[NHCOLL-L:2252] Apoyo a la Reserva Maquipucuna

Robert M. Rhode rmrhode at ucdavis.edu
Mon Apr 12 11:37:38 EDT 2004

I think this situation is of importance to all of 
us.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. I too 
apologize for the multiple postings.

Robert Rhode

---Begin forwarded text

>hi all,
>I apologize for the double/cross listings, but 
>this is very important to me and potentially 
>many of you.  Please read the attached 
>message; the letter states briefly that you 
>support the Maquipucuna Reserve's legitimate 
>rights to its land and protest the Ministry of 
>the Environment's allowance of INDA to illegally 
>sign away 1/3 of the reserve's protected lands. 
>It is basically the same letter i sent out 
>previously, but in a new user friendly format - 
>you just click where it says, fill out your name 
>and click again and you're done.  when you click 
>it is sent automatically to the Maquipucuna 
>Foundation's server and the two Ministries in 
>Ecuador.  the copies sent to Maquipucuna will be 
>made into hardcopies, which will also be sent to 
>the Ministries because by law they have to 
>respond to written requests and cannot ignore 
>them like e-mails.
>This is public awareness campaign which is 
>allied to the legal battle currently occupying 
>all of the Foundation's time and a lot of its 
>finances.  What the government is doing is not 
>legal and should not be allowed for this reserve 
>or any other.  If this precedent is set, who 
>knows what 'protected lands' will mean in the 
>tropics.  Please forward this message to anyone 
>you know personally who might be interested.
>I appreciate your time and interest,
>Alex Reynolds, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602
>"A man is a genius when he is dreaming"
>                                                     - Akira Kurosawa
><http://www.maqui.org/newsletter.html>English Version
>El Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería MAG, 
>permite que el Instituto Ecuatoriano de 
>Desarrollo Agrario, INDA, proceda con la entrega 
>ilegal de títulos de tierra dentro de gran parte 
>de la Reserva Maquipucuna, un área considerada 
>como una de "las Galápagos del Continente" por 
>su increíble biodiversidad y endemismo, lo que 
>causaría daños ambientales irreparables.
>Atentado contra la naturaleza
>Funcionarios del gobierno han hecho caso omiso 
>al Convenio firmado entre el INDA y el 
>Ministerio del Ambiente sobre la potestad de 
>adjudicar tierras en áreas declaradas como 
>protegidas, y han atentado contra la propiedad 
>privada de Fundación Maquipucuna, entidad que se 
>creó para comprar y proteger lo que ahora es la 
>Reserva Maquipucuna, comprada al Banco del 
>Pacífico en 1988.
>¡ No se debe permitir que el Gobierno desconozca 
>la propiedad privada y la biodiversidad de 
>nuestro país y de importancia a nivel mundial!
><http://www.maqui.org/boletin.html>Más Detalles...
><http://www.maqui.org/carta.html>Apóyanos ! haz click aquí

Robert M. Rhode
U. C. D. Nematode Collection
Dept. of Nematology
University of California, Davis
One Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616-8668. USA
Phone: (530) 752-1404
Fax: (530) 752-5809
e-mail: rmrhode at ucdavis.edu

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