[NHCOLL-L:2253] Apoyo a la Reserva Maquipucuna: good links

Robert M. Rhode rmrhode at ucdavis.edu
Mon Apr 12 17:23:46 EDT 2004

Hello again:

Some folks may be having trouble with the links in my earlier e-mail 
concering the plundering of established reserve land in Ecuador. Here 
are the same links in a more usable format.

English verion of the Crisis Newsletter:


Spanish version of the Crisis Newsletter:


Spanish version of the protest letter:


English version of the protest letter:


As before, thanks so much and sorry about the multiple postings.

Robert M. Rhode
U. C. D. Nematode Collection
Dept. of Nematology
University of California, Davis
One Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616-8668. USA
Phone: (530) 752-1404
Fax: (530) 752-5809
e-mail: rmrhode at ucdavis.edu

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