[NHCOLL-L:2255] Job Vacancies in Dublin

Julia Sigwart julia.sigwart at ucd.ie
Mon Apr 19 08:49:17 EDT 2004

Dear all,

Please find below advertisements for two academic positions (lecturer 
= assistant professor) in University College Dublin, Department of 
Zoology.  The department also has close ties to the National Museum 
of Ireland (Natural History) through the Collections-based Biology in 
Dublin programme. See http://www.ucd.ie/zoology/

Closing date: 14 May (applications must be recieved by *post* to Dublin)

Please circulate!


Lecturer in Fish Population Biology :  The successful applicant will 
be expected to establish a vibrant research programme in their field 
within the Department and to contribute to undergraduate and 
postgraduate teaching at all levels and in areas such as fish biology 
and ecology, vertebrate functional morphology and vertebrate 
Ref: 001598a

Lecturer in Evolutionary Biology or Biogeography : Should have a 
background in zoology, with the appreciation of evolutionary biology 
and/or biogeography that it brings. They should use molecular 
techniques as their primary research tool and they will be expected 
to have the initiative to contribute to the application of their 
skills to areas outside his/her core area of research and to have the 
desire and the awareness to identify such areas of potential 
collaboration within the current research programmes of the 
department. The appointee will be expected to contribute to courses 
in their area of expertise in addition to existing genetics 
Ref: 001598b

Unless otherwise indicated, appointments will be made to be 
appropriate point of the relevant scale in accordance with 
qualifications and experience.

Salary scale:
EUR 30,086 - EUR 71,814

Further information (including application procedures) is available 
from the Personnel Office, University College Dublin, Belfield, 
Dublin 4, Ireland. Requests by postcard fax or email only - quoting 
above reference number.

Fax No: +353-1-269 2472
Email:  Personnel at ucd.ie

Closing date for receipt of applications is no later than noon on 
14th May 2004.
Please note that applications received after this time will not be considered.

UCD is an equal opportunities employer

This advertisement also appeared in the following publications:

Irish Times	16th April 2004
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