[NHCOLL-L:2500] Containers for storing large specimens in ethanol

Mary Sollows msollows at nb.aibn.com
Mon Dec 13 10:28:46 EST 2004

I am interested to learn the types of large, wide-mouthed containers/lids
that fellow subscribers have found to be the best choice for storing large
specimens in 70% ethanol.
I have been searching for a source of large, wide-mouth, glass jars for
long-term storage of specimens in alcohol.  We have a number of 20L jars
(diameter of opening is approximately 12.5 mm) that were probably ordered
back in the 1970's.  They are extremely useful for large specimens (fish and
large marine invertebrates in particular).  Unfortunately, the accompanying
metal lids corrode within a few years and need to be replaced.  I have tried
to find polyvinyl replacement lids for them but cannot find the exact size. 
Suggestions for storage containers or suggestions of sources of lids for the
large jars we are currently using will be greatly appreciated.
Mary Sollows
Curatorial Assistant: Zoology
Natural Sciences Department
New Brunswick Museum
277 Douglas Avenue
Saint John, New Brunswick
Canada, E2K 1E5
Tel: 506-643-2365
Fax: 506-643-2360
Email: msollows at nb.aibn.com
Search NBM Natural Science Collections on-line at
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