[NHCOLL-L:2635] Publications NHCWG-ICOM-CC

Andries J. van Dam A.J.van_Dam at lumc.nl
Thu Apr 28 05:20:54 EDT 2005

The Natural History Collections Working Group Newsletter no. 14 (dec 2004)
and the "Decision Making Model for the Conservation and Restoration of Fluid
Preserved Specimens" are now available on the website of the International
Council of Museums - Committee for Conservation (ICOM-CC):

Yours sincerely,

Dries van Dam

A.J. van Dam
Co-ordinator ICOM-CC Working Group Natural History Collections
Leiden Museum of Anatomy
P.O.Box 9602
2300 RC Leiden
The Netherlands
Tel: +31715276677
Fax: +31715276680
E-mail: A.J.van_Dam at lumc.nl

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