[NHCOLL-L:2738] FW: Registrar vs. Collections Manager vs. Curator of Collections

Diane Gutenkauf dgutenkauf at exhibitworks.com
Fri Jun 24 09:40:51 EDT 2005

More from RC. 

--Diane G.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Registrars Committee of the AAM [mailto:RCAAM at SI-LISTSERV.SI.EDU]
On Behalf Of Jackie Hoff
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: Registrar vs. Collections Manager vs. Curator of

ok - so i have been following both list serves for what we all do... it
is amazing to me that we are all so close - but we all have subtle
differences in day to day issues.
Being the Registrar and Head of Collex here - i am indeed the head paper
pusher, database gal and the ever popular "other duties as assigned"
person and also responsible for what the collex managers do.
That being said - they (collex manager) are indeed the scientists and
besides the day to day physical care - mine also do research. Their
official titles are Collex manager for ____________(ethno, arch, bio,
paleo, etc) / Assistant Curator.
The curators job differs in that they really don't do the day to day
physical care - but they do work on grants more and exhibitions and also
with education more than the collex mgrs/asst curators.... but in all of
these cases - they all bleed together at some point depending on the
The bottom line is that we are all professionals and need to have the
experience and background to do our jobs both correctly and
professionally. You hope to god that our knowledge is not appreciated.



p.s. - Rachel - nice plug for SPNHC on NHCOLL

Jackie Hoff
Registrar and Head of Collections
Science Museum of Minnesota
120 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Ph: 651-221-9435
Fax: 651-221-4525
Email: jhoff at smm.org

 My Goal in life is to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am

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