[NHCOLL-L:2812] Herbaria in Katrina's path

Thiers, Barbara bthiers at nybg.org
Wed Sep 7 15:47:07 EDT 2005


We have compiled downloadable list from Index Herbariorum of the listed
herbaria from Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi.  The list includes a
concatenation of the email addresses of the correspondents for these
herbaria, suitable for copying into the address line of an email message
for a bulk mailing.  This document can be obtained through the NYBG
website as follows:



(link is on left-hand frame of this page)


Previous messages indicate that other organizations (e.g., AAM, ASPT)
may take responsibility for contacting these and other natural history
collections in the region, and so for that reason we do not plan to
contact these institutions ourselves.  However, if we can help to
obtain, compile or share information on herbaria in this area, we are
glad to do so.  Unfortunately we already know of some  very severe
damage (GCRL)


Apologies for cross-posting


Dr. Barbara M. Thiers

Director, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium

New York Botanical Garden

Bronx, NY 10458-5126

tel: 718-817-8622

fax: 718-817-8809

email:  bthiers at nybg.org





Dr. Barbara M. Thiers

Director, William and Lynda Steere Herbarium

New York Botanical Garden

Bronx, NY 10458-5126

tel: 718-817-8622

fax: 718-817-8809

email:  bthiers at nybg.org


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