[NHCOLL-L:2833] use of Borax

Teresa Kearney kearney at nfi.co.za
Wed Sep 21 02:28:27 EDT 2005

I'm a relatively new member of staff managing the mammal collection at the
Transvaal Museum in Pretoria, South Africa. I'm trying to find advice about
the use of Borax in the preparation of bird and mammal museum study skins.

Borax is currently being used in the preparation of bird and mammal study
skins at the Transvaal Museum, however the occupational health and safety
measures in the use of Borax are being questioned. Currently the preparators
routinely wear latex gloves and occasionally face masks, but no eye
protection. Given the suggested acute hazard of Borax to the eyes it has
been suggested that the preparators also wear eye protection and must wear
breathing protection to prevent inhalation.

Is Borax still being used in the preparation of vertebrate skins at other
museums? If so under what conditions is it used and what, if any, protective
clothing / equipment is required? If Borax is not used, is an alternative
being used, and what would that be?

Much appreciated
Teresa Kearney

Curator, Mammals
Vertebrate Department
Transvaal Museum
PO Box 413

Phone +27 12 3227632
Fax +27 12 3227939

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