[NHCOLL-L:2834] MCN 2005 Conference Hotel is filling up.

MCN 2005 Conference mcn2004 at igs.net
Wed Sep 21 08:20:49 EDT 2005

MCN's 33rd Annual Conference Museum Computer Network 

Digits Fugit! 
Preserving Knowledge Into the Future 

November 2-5, 2005
Omni Parker House
Boston, MA 2005

Register Online at http://www.mcn.edu/Mcn2005/mcn2005registration.htm.

Make your plans now.  Rooms at the Omni Park Hotel are filling up.  The Hotel expects to be full during the time of the conference so if you do not reserve soon you might be locked out of the conference hotel.  Please be sure to call the Hotel 800 number  (800-THE-OMNI) or (617) 227-8600.  Some problems have been reported when booking through travel agents.  Make sure you identify the Museum Computer Network conference.  Please report any issues registering to the MCN office.  

Don't be locked out of this wonderful venue.  Register for the conference and book  your room today.

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