[NHCOLL-L:2925] climate-controlled facilities for entomology collections?

colin favret crf at uiuc.edu
Wed Jan 11 15:26:48 EST 2006

Hello all,

	The Illinois Natural History Survey collections appear set to move to 
new facilities once they are constructed in a few years. We have 
requested below-room temperature conditions for the entomological 
collection, but some of the higher-ups in the construction process are 
skeptical. To help with our justification, we'd like to mention the 
practices of other, modernized collections. If your entomological 
collection has been involved in a recent move to new facilities (say, 
in the last ten years), would you please just tell me what 
climate-control conditions are present? Thanks very much for your time.

	Incidentally, I have been unable to find the archives for this list. 
Google just comes up with a confusing array of dead links. Do we have 
one, and if yes, where is it?

Thanks, colin
Colin Favret, Insect Collection Manager
Illinois Natural History Survey
1816 S Oak Street
Champaign IL 61820
crf at uiuc.edu

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