[NHCOLL-L:3090] Disposal of Fluid-Preserved Specimens

Shirley Albright Shirley.Albright at SOS.STATE.NJ.US
Fri Jun 2 09:53:41 EDT 2006

Good morning everyone -


I've had an inquiry from a nonprofit group who would like to dispose of
a very small number of fluid-preserved specimens (20 small jars).   The
jars are sealed so they don't know exactly what preservation solutions
were used, but given the age and general description of what the storage
cabinet smells like, it's a sure bet formaldehyde is involved.


We've had to dispose of large quantities of hazardous solutions through
our state agency system (not a problem for another state agency), but
this is a horse of a different color.   I've suggested contacting their
local hospital, medical examiner's office, and local
colleges/universities and ask if they could include their small amount
of material within their formal hazardous waste disposal routines, but
can anyone suggest other alternatives?    Money for disposal is an
issue...as it is for many nonprofits.


Many thanks!


Shirley Albright

New Jersey State Museum

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