[NHCOLL-L:3126] RE: full mount mammals available for trade

Dan Brooks dbrooks at hmns.org
Tue Jun 27 15:28:36 EDT 2006

Typo below - I meant study skins...







From: Dan Brooks 
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 2:07 PM
To: MAMMAL-L at SI-LISTSERV.SI.EDU; nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu
Subject: full mount mammals available for trade


Greetings all,


In trying to maximize our space, we are interested in trading anything
from the below list of full mounts for African or Neotropical mammal
and/or bird study skins (or mammal skulls).  Kindly contact me directly
off list if interested at dbrooks at hmns.org


Thanks and sorry for cross-posting,




2 Vervet monkeys                     



Black Bear (Cinnamon phase)

5 Grizzly Bears (upright mounts)

3 Polar Bears (1 w/ Harbor Seal prey)

3 Bengal Tigers (1 upright)

African Leopard                         

2 African Lions                          

Warthog (covered in artificial mud)

Axis Deer (M)                             

White-tailed Deer (head mount)


Kirk's Dikdik

Bush Duiker                               


Black-bearded Wildebeest     

High Altai Argali (M)                  

Capercaille (in glass case)

Ring-necked Pheasant (in glass case)

Leatherback Sea Turtle           

Atlantic Sailfish                          




Daniel M. Brooks, Ph.D.
Curator of Vertebrate Zoology 

Cracid Specialist Group Chair

dbrooks at hmns.org      (713) 639-4776    Fax (713) 639-4767
One Hermann Circle Drive, Houston, TX  77030   


More about Brooks: www.hmns.org/exhibits/curators.asp?r=1

Building the African Wildlife Hall:

Cracid Specialist Group: www.cracids.org <http://www.cracids.org/> 


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