[NHCOLL-L:3125] full mount mammals available for trade

Dan Brooks dbrooks at hmns.org
Tue Jun 27 15:06:40 EDT 2006

Greetings all,


In trying to maximize our space, we are interested in trading anything
from the below list of full mounts for African or Neotropical mammal
and/or bird study skulls (or mammal skulls).  Kindly contact me directly
off list if interested at dbrooks at hmns.org


Thanks and sorry for cross-posting,




2 Vervet monkeys                     



Black Bear (Cinnamon phase)

5 Grizzly Bears (upright mounts)

3 Polar Bears (1 w/ Harbor Seal prey)

3 Bengal Tigers (1 upright)

African Leopard                         

2 African Lions                          

Warthog (covered in artificial mud)

Axis Deer (M)                             

White-tailed Deer (head mount)


Kirk's Dikdik

Bush Duiker                               


Black-bearded Wildebeest     

High Altai Argali (M)                  

Capercaille (in glass case)

Ring-necked Pheasant (in glass case)

Leatherback Sea Turtle           

Atlantic Sailfish                          




Daniel M. Brooks, Ph.D.
Curator of Vertebrate Zoology 

Cracid Specialist Group Chair

dbrooks at hmns.org      (713) 639-4776    Fax (713) 639-4767
One Hermann Circle Drive, Houston, TX  77030   


More about Brooks: www.hmns.org/exhibits/curators.asp?r=1

Building the African Wildlife Hall:

Cracid Specialist Group: www.cracids.org <http://www.cracids.org/> 


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