[NHCOLL-L:3461] Looking for case studies on curatorial facility/building projects

Blondheim, Frannie frannie.blondheim at ualberta.ca
Wed Jun 6 11:57:23 EDT 2007


The University of Alberta Museums is currently in the process of
developing a business case for a new Curatorial Research Facility and we
are looking for case studies on how other organizations have addressed
similar challenges.

The University of Alberta is one of Canada's foremost research-intensive
universities, with approximately 36,000 students in more than 200
undergraduate programs and 170 graduate programs and a growing body of
international students from more than 100 countries.  The University of
Alberta Museums is a distributed system of 35 museums and collections
located throughout the campus in 15 faculties and departments where they
are used in research and teaching programs.  In total there are more
than 20 million objects and specimens in disciplines that range from
printmaking and fine arts, to paleontology, ethnomusicology and zoology.

The Curatorial Research Facility is envisioned to house the collections
centrally with classrooms, research labs, digitization facilities, and a
range of other facilities that provide a forum for object-based research
and teaching, while maintaining the distributed nature of the teaching
and research functions of our faculty, graduate students, and
partnerships. A new interdisciplinary graduate degree in object-based
teaching and research/museums arts and sciences, is also being developed
to complement the facility.

If you have recently or are in the process of undertaking a similar
project, we would appreciate hearing from you. 

Please contact:
Janine Andrews, Executive Director
Museums and Collections Services/LSE
Ring House #1 
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada  T6G 2E1
Janine.Andrews at ualberta.ca

Further information on the University of Alberta, and the University of
Alberta Museums can be found at the link below.


Frannie Blondheim
Museums and Collections Services
The journey from wonder to wisdom begins at

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