[NHCOLL-L:3451] Threatened and orphaned collections toolkit

Tiffany Adrain tiffany-adrain at uiowa.edu
Mon May 14 15:03:55 EDT 2007

Hello everyone,

Paula Work and I are in the process of drafting a SPNHC toolkit to 
help stewards of natural history collections deal with orphaned 
collections (both incoming and outgoing), recognize threats to 
collections, and prevent collections becoming orphaned. We are 
looking for case studies to include in the toolkit, both disaster 
stories and success stories! If you have had any first hand 
experience dealing with  orphaned or threatened collections, we'd be 
very happy to hear from you, even if you are not at liberty to 
divulge specific details.

Please feel free to contact me (tiffany-adrain at uiowa.edu) or Paula 
(Paula.Work at maine.gov), or talk to Paula at the SPNHC conference next week.



Tiffany Adrain
Collections Manager
Paleontology Repository
Department of Geoscience
121 Trowbridge Hall
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242

tel: 319 335 1822
fax: 319 335 1821
email: tiffany-adrain at uiowa.edu

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