[NHCOLL-L:3576] Re: NPS specimen issue and NSCA

Anita F. Cholewa chole001 at umn.edu
Thu Sep 13 08:51:11 EDT 2007

 From a curatorial perspective, given our limited resources, I will 
think twice about including park specimens in a loan when receiving 
requests from researchers.  Because of past researchers here at the 
university, we have significant collections from some of the parks so 
this means future researchers won't be able to access these specimens 
unless they make in-house visits.

Anita F. Cholewa, Ph.D.
Curator of the herbarium
Bell Museum of Natural History
University of Minnesota
1445 Gortner Ave
ST PAUL MN 55108-1095.

Robert Gropp wrote:

> To NHCOLL-L readers:
>         Regarding the recent exchange about National Park Service 
> specimen policy, the Natural Science Collections Alliance (NSC 
> Alliance) is aware of this issue.  The NSC Alliance Board of Directors 
> has had recent discussions about this issue and plans to discuss it 
> further at our next Board meeting.
>         Although many in our community express concern with the NPS 
> policy, we have few clear examples of how the policy is hindering 
> research.  It would be helpful to future NSC Alliance deliberations on 
> this issue if individuals who have experienced problems with the NPS 
> policy could send us concrete examples.  Please fax any examples to 
> NSC Alliance director of policy Robert Gropp at 202-628-1509.
> Sincerely,
> Michael Mares
> President
> NSC Alliance

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