[NHCOLL-L:3577] Propylene glycol

Lisa Conyers lisa.conyers at oum.ox.ac.uk
Thu Sep 13 09:13:24 EDT 2007

I was wondering if anybody could help with my query about propylene 
glycol (1,2 propanediol). I want to post alcohol preserved marine 
invertebrate specimens to other institutions around the world and have 
been told that propylene glycol is a suitable 'non-dangerous' 
alternative to using alcohol (and so doing away with all the 
restrictions associated with sending any  quantity of alcohol through 
the post).
I would like to know if it is safe to transfer the specimens directly 
from the alcohol to the propylene glycol before packing them or whether 
I should transfer them through a graded alcohol ladder to water and then 
into the glycol, and vice versa if the specimens are to be returned to 
me after the loan period.

Many thanks for any information you can pass on.

Lisa Conyers
Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3PW

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