[NHCOLL-L:4007] Adhesive for exhibit labels

April Nye idigdirt4fun at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 16 14:02:34 EDT 2008


Can anyone recommend an adhesive (other than doublesided and 3M tape) for exhibition information labels that can be used on washable flat painted drywall and not remove the surface? Our museum has only recently opened and the wall are starting to show wear from our temporary exhibits. Any suggestions are welcome.

Thank you,

April Season Nye
Assistant Collections Manager
ETSU & General Shale Brick
Natural History Museum & Visitor Center
Gray Fossil Site
1212 Suncrest Dr.
Gray, TN
nyea at etsu.edu
"The lowliest annelid worm in a natural science museum must be coddled; to someone, it is precious, and for all we know, may hold the key to a scientific mystery."     
Case, Mary, ed. (1988). Registrars on Record: Essays on Museum Collections Management. Washington, DC: American Association of Museums.

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