[NHCOLL-L:4006] appraisers for fossil collections

Adrain, Tiffany S tiffany-adrain at uiowa.edu
Thu Oct 16 13:00:35 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to update my list of appraisers for fossil donations that I give out to donors. If anyone knows of any (I've got 2 so far - it's been a while since I had a larger-sized donation), especially in the Midwest, please could you send me their details? I don't provide valuations myself or suggest a particular appraiser, but I do like to give my donors a list as a starting point.



Tiffany Adrain
Collections Manager
Paleontology Repository
Department of Geoscience
The University of Iowa
121 Trowbridge Hall
Iowa City, IA 52242

phone: 319 335 1822
fax: 319 335 1821
website: http://www.uiowa.edu/~geology/paleo

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