[NHCOLL-L:4201] De-polymerization of Fish

Del Re, Christine delre at mpm.edu
Tue Feb 17 10:21:27 EST 2009

I have a question about the following information that I have been using
to guide our off-site storage of fish collections. 


"The ideal temperature for specimens that were formalin-fixed and are
stored in 70% (v/v) ethanol is 18C (about 65F) because this is cool
enough to slow chemical reactions, yet above the range where
formaldehyde may polymerize and lipids would congeal in the preservative
fluids." Simmons pg. 173-"Storage of Fluid-Preserved Collections" in
Storage of Natural History Collections: A Preventive Conservation


What I do not know is if polymerization has occurred - do the fish
de-polymerize at higher temperatures? I haven't found any info on this
question, but I may not know where to look.


With thanks, Chris Del Re


Christine Del Re                      Voice:  (414) 278-2780 
Senior Conservator                 Fax:    (414) 278-6100 
Milwaukee Public Museum    e-mail: delre at mpm.edu 
800 W. Wells St. 
Milwaukee, WI  53233-1478 


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