[NHCOLL-L:4204] Renovated Collection Spaces

Karen Morton Kmorton at natureandscience.org
Fri Feb 20 11:31:35 EST 2009

Dear list members,


I am looking for information anyone has regarding building new
collection spaces or renovating collections spaces within the last five
years.  Bonus points for anyone with experience renovating space within
a historic structure!  


I know this is a very broad question, but we are interested to learn
what you liked and didn't like about the space and the process, how big
the space is, an approximate budget if possible, and any other tips that
would help guide us in our planning. We are looking at both renovating
space within our historic building and building brand new space.  We
have natural history collections (mammals, birds, insects, shells,
paleontology, geology and a library). 


Thank you for your input.




Karen Morton

Collections Manager

Museum of Nature and Science

P.O. Box 151469

Dallas, TX 75315-1469

Phone: 972-201-0595

Fax: 214-428-4356


Inspiring Minds Through Nature and Science




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