[NHCOLL-L:4133] shipping alc-preserved specimens from South Africa

robert asher rja58 at cam.ac.uk
Mon Jan 5 09:48:26 EST 2009

Does anyone out there have advice for shipping alcohol-preserved 
specimens (mammals) from South Africa to the UK? (Feedback on the US 
would also be appreciated.) FedEx just told me they can ship "tissue 
samples" wrapped in moist cloth & sealed in jars or plastic. I was 
hoping that shipping surface rather than air would make things easier 
but for FedEx this makes no difference, apparently.
Any advice on how to avoid customs & other delays would be appreciated.

Many thanks,


Robert Asher, Ph.D.
Museum of Zoology
University of Cambridge
Downing St. CB2 3EJ
United Kingdom

voice:		+44 (0)1223 336 680
fax:		+44 (0)1223 336 679
website:	http://people.pwf.cam.ac.uk/rja58/

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