[NHCOLL-L:4335] Moratorium at the Museum of Geology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

Shelton, Sally Y. Sally.Shelton at sdsmt.edu
Fri Jun 5 14:54:12 EDT 2009

Dear colleagues,

Apologies in advance for cross-posting the following. Please feel free to distribute this message as needed.

As you may have already heard, the new Paleontology Research Center at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology is under construction. This is an exciting time for us and all our colleagues. You can follow the progress of the building at
http://sdmines.sdsmt.edu/cgi-bin/global/a_bus_card.cgi?SiteID=422389#x (overview and link to building information)
http://sdmines.sdsmt.edu/cgi-bin/global/a_bus_card.cgi?SiteID=422855  (live cam on construction)

This will be the first time that all the SDSMT Museum of Geology collections, laboratories, library resources, archives and other records will be under one purpose-built roof. We are looking forward to serving as a regional curation resource, education center and repository for many years to come.

As part of this effort, we need to impose a moratorium on loans from and research visits to our collections for two years, starting on August 1, 2009, and ending on August 1, 2011. This is necessary for our collections packing, inventory, and reconciliation of records during the move. We will not be able to facilitate collections access during the moratorium without special approval and advance arrangements. At this time, all loans from SDSM collections that have not been renewed in writing are now due and should be returned to us as soon as possible. We will be reviewing all loan and borrow records and will be returning all materials on loan to us that are not in active use.

If you have or know of SDSM materials (specimens, books, field notes, and/or other archival materials) that should be returned, wish to donate materials connected to the history of the museum and its research, or need to notify us about materials on loan to SDSM that should be returned to you, please contact me off-list at the address below. If you have particular research needs that need to be addressed during the moratorium period and wish to make arrangements in advance, please let me know as soon as possible.

We appreciate your understanding and patience during this transition period, and hope to see many of you at our official opening.

Sally Y. Shelton, Collections Manager and Faculty Instructor
Museum of Geology, O'Harra 307
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
501 E. St. Joseph
Rapid City, SD   57701
phone 605.394.2487
email Sally.Shelton at sdsmt.edu<mailto:Sally.Shelton at sdsmt.edu>

Sally Y. Shelton, Collections Manager and Faculty Instructor
Museum of Geology, O'Harra 307
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
501 E. St. Joseph
Rapid City, SD   57701
phone 605.394.2487
email Sally.Shelton at sdsmt.edu

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