[NHCOLL-L:4366] FW: Effective date of APHIS restrictions re: END

Watkins-Colwell, Gregory gregory.watkins-colwell at yale.edu
Wed Jun 24 10:16:30 EDT 2009

Please respond directly to Ellen Paul: ellen.paul at verizon.net

Gregory J. Watkins-Colwell
Division of Vertebrate Zoology
Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History
170 Whitney Avenue, Box 208118
New Haven, CT  06520
203/432-3791  or    fax: 203/432-2874

-----Original Message-----
From: Ellen Paul [mailto:ellen.paul at verizon.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 10:03 AM
To: Watkins-Colwell, Gregory
Subject: Effective date of APHIS restrictions re: END

Greg - some people on AVECOL asked about the the need for Veterinary 
Services (APHIS) transport permits for old bird stuff. Though I think 
all the bird collections people are on AVECOL, I thought you might want 
to post this to NHCOLL anyway.

If you do send it to NHCOLL, you might want to set your reply line to 
direct responses to me.


The USDA restrictions pertain only to materials imported after the date 
the restrictions went into effect. 

I now have a subscription-based service that lets me find old FR 
notices and I will see if I can find the date of the original 
restriction. Those of you who have "been around a while" and 
particularly if you were in California back then may remember that there 
was an outbreak in the 1970s and this led to the destruction of about 12 
million chickens. I don't know all the details, but APHIS also went into 
aviaries and  euthanized birds.

This was not the first outbreak of END in the U.S. It had apparently 
been detected as early as 1945 and by 1947 it had been detected in 43 
states. Apparently, it was in 1971 that USDA began efforts to eradicate 
and prevent reintroduction (all info from Sandee Molenda's website: 

So, OK I found the notice.

The date is 8 November 1974 and what it does is extend an existing ban 
that applied only to poultry prior to that date to all birds.

At the same time, it exempted Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, 
Iceland, New Zealand, Norway, the Republic of Ireland, and Sweden. Since 
that time, APHIS has added Northern Ireland, Great Britain, Fiji, Chile, 
Switzerland, Costa Rica, France, Greece, Luxembourg, Spain, the Yucatan 
Peninsula, and Argentina.

Remember - this is END ONLY! There is an entirely different set of 
countries for which restrictions apply - stricter restrictions - all 
materials must be treated even if your lab is USDA-certified as BSL2 - 
because H5N1 occurs there.

If anyone wants a copy, let me know. Replies are set to come to me.


Ellen Paul
Executive Director
The Ornithological Council
Email: ellen.paul at verizon.net
Phone (301) 986 8568
"Providing Scientific Information about Birds"

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