[NHCOLL-L:4888] Alert! Shipping Scientific specimens to European Collections !

Dirk Neumann Dirk.Neumann at zsm.mwn.de
Wed Jul 21 05:30:42 EDT 2010

! to your attention, please forward to colleagues with regular specimen 
exchange with European Collections!

After import problems with preserved fish tissues (96% Ethanol) via 
Cologne shipped with UPS today and inspection of "dried insects" via 
Cologne shipped with FedEx last week, I received the following informal 
statement from the veterinarian authority at Cologne airport regarding 
future import of scientific samples via Cologne airport this morning:

As already posted, FedEx moved its airhub from Frankfurt/ Main to 
Cologne with severe consequences regarding interpretation of EC vets 
regulations / inspection of scientific samples imported via Cologne.

   1. Vets in Cologne insist on inspection of _every _parcel containing
      animal material (costs per inspection: 130,- EUR / 194 U$),
      _*unless*_ the shipment (respective the shipping docs) state
      clearly, that the samples included are for *morphological /
      molecular research at a Natural History Museum* (name of the
      receiving institute), *including a brief description of the
      preservation and / or conservation method *of the included samples.
   2. Shipments addressed _*not *_to Natural History Museums (= private
      shipments) will be inspected.

    Likely affected: 

    via UPS delivery: collections in Central / East Europe (excluding
    the UK and Ireland)
    via FedEx: collections in Central / East Europe (excluding France
    and possibly the UK & Ireland)

    Collections in the US should track their recent shipments for the
    import gateway in Europe to be sure, which future shipments will be
    affected. It might be possible that for certain member states the
    responsibility for vets clearance other then Germany is not in the
    competence of  vets authorities in Cologne (Germany = transit country).

_*Direct consequences for shipments to Europe/Germany,*_ processed in 

    a) No private shipments, _Institute name must precede_ the
    consignee's name in the shipping address

    b) E-decs _exclude _the relevant information needed for vet clearance

    c) _Commercial invoices_ as issued by most Museums in the US _are
    insufficient_ for import clearance and should be replaced by
    shipping docs

_*Requirements for parcels and shipping docs**,*_ processed in Cologne

    a) _Detailed shipping docs *must *be included accessible on the
    outside_ to allow documentation controls

    b) Content of the shipping docs must include the following:
         - _description_ of animal samples (animal tissues, preserved
    specimens, dried insects)
         -_ scientific names_ of included species, at least on family
    level for indetermined samples (either in the shipping doc or on the
    attached loan form)
            phrases like "dried insects", "museum specimens" "preserved
    fishes, snakes etc." are insufficient for clearance and must be avoided!
         - brief description of _preservation and conservation methods _
            (preservation method should read either 4% formalin or 96 %
    ethanol, even though certain animal groups are not preserved at all,
    e.g. insects)
            This statement has to be explicit and decides for vet
    inspection or not
         - no commercial value of included samples, indication that
    included samples are _state property_ of the respective collection
         - Country of Origin
            Country of Origin = homeland country of the respective
    collection which legally owns the samples, *not *the country in
    which the samples have been collected!
            For return of loans from European collections name the
    respective (European) country, as reimports of EC loans do not
    underlie EC vet regulations !
            (allows claiming of unjustified inspection costs)
          - _Commercial value_ for packing material, tubes, etc. should
    not exceed 10,- EUR / U$ to allow tax-free import

The shipping docs should be issued on institutional letterhead (see 
attached templates).

A petition to the respective national and European authorities aimed to 
clarify the vets related problems are underway (on behalf of DNFS for 
Natural History Collections in Germany, and on behalf of CETAF 
representing the European Natural History Collections). Both petitions 
were prepared in close cooperation with SPNHC. Unless we receive an 
official statement, it is recommended to follow the suggestions given 
above in order to minimise potential problems, costs and delays.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Dirk Neumann

Dirk Neumann

Tel: 089 / 8107-111
Fax: 089 / 8107-300
email: Dirk.Neumann(a)zsm.mwn.de


Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns
Zoologische Staatssammlung München
Dirk Neumann, Sektion Ichthyologie / DNA-Labor
Münchhausenstr. 21
81247 München

Besuchen Sie unsere Sammlung:


Dirk Neumann

Tel: +49-89-8107-111
Fax: +49-89-8107-300
email: Dirk.Neumann(a)zsm.mwn.de

postal address:

Bavarian Natural History Collections
The Bavarian State Collection of Zoology
Dirk Neumann, Section Ichthyology / DNA-Lab
Muenchhausenstr. 21
81247 Munich (Germany)

Visit our section at:

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