[NHCOLL-L:5063] Non-NH Collections

Karen Morton Kmorton at natureandscience.org
Thu Nov 4 14:08:08 EDT 2010

Dear List,


We have been faced with the question of what to do with donated items
that are related to natural history but do not fit in our natural
history collections (such as bronzes, paintings, etc.).  We are curious
as to how other museums treat these pieces.  If the item is derived from
scientific study, do you treat it differently than something that is
not?  What if it is a pop-culture item that retains some exhibit and
educational value?  Do you catalog them as part of your scientific
collections?  Do you catalog them as part of an art collection?


Please send responses to kmorton at natureandscience.org.  


Thank you.




Collections Manager | Museum of Nature & Science

p 972.201.0595 | kmorton at natureandscience.org


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