[NHCOLL-L:5362] AMS 2011 Meeting/Abstract Announcement

CSTURMJR at pitt.edu CSTURMJR at pitt.edu
Wed Apr 6 07:05:22 EDT 2011

Dear Natural History Collection Member,

The 77th meeting of the American Malacological Society will be held in
Pittsburgh, PA from Saturday, July 23rd through Thursday, July 28th, 2011.
 The meeting will be held at Duquesne University.  Below is the link to
the meetings website and registration/abstract submission forms.  Note
that the early registration and abstract submission deadline is May 22,
2011.  Please contact myself or Charles Sturm (AMS President
<csturmjr at pitt.edu>) if you have any questions.  We look forward to seeing
you in Pittsburgh!

Amanda Lawless
AMS Secretary
<lawless at ansp.org>


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