[NHCOLL-L:5378] Fw: Funding Bill Will Reduce Many Collections Programs

Catharine Hawks cahawks at aol.com
Thu Apr 14 20:06:47 EDT 2011

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "Heritage Preservation" <info at heritagepreservation.org>
Sender: "Heritage Preservation" <info=heritagepreservation.org at mcsv43.net>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 10:30:02 
To: Catharine<cahawks at aol.com>
Reply-To: "Heritage Preservation" <info at heritagepreservation.org>
Subject: Funding Bill Will Reduce Many Collections Programs

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The appropriations bill that will fund the federal government for the
remainder of FY 2011 (HR 1473) will result in significant reductions to a
number of programs important to Heritage Preservation members.

The Institute of Museum and Library Services’ budget for programs and
administration will be cut by 10.7% from the FY 2010 level.  The budgets of
the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the
Humanities will each be reduced by $13,000,000.  It also appears that the
Save America’s Treasures program will be eliminated.  To a large extent,
these reductions reflect recommendations that the President had made for the
FY 2012 budget.  However, their scale is magnified by the fact that agencies
must implement them with only six months remaining in the fiscal year.   In
addition, federal agencies will be subject to a 0.2% across the board cut.

The bill should be voted on on Thursday, April 14.  We do not expect to have
detailed information from the agencies regarding how these reductions will
be implemented until sometime next week.  When clear and certain information
is available, we will share it with Heritage Preservation members.

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regarding your membership, please contact [4]Lauren Hunley._
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advice, Heritage Preservation assists museums, libraries, archives, historic
preservation and other organizations, as well as individuals, in caring for
our endangered heritage.

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