[NHCOLL-L:5497] RE: Proscope v. MiScope?

O'Brien, Mark mfobrien at umich.edu
Tue Jun 14 09:08:49 EDT 2011

While I have not used the precise devices that are linked to, my observation is that they all offer a low-cost solution PROVIDED that you don't mind the fact that the actual pixel count is nowhere near as good as that offered by a conventional DSLR.  With a camera like a Nikon D90 and extension tunes with a 60mm micro-Nikkor lens, one can easily go 2x life size, uncropped.  Cropping the images of a 12 megapixel file, will still give excellent resolution for many applications.   Some of these cameras advertised are not better than VGA (640x480 pixels), and you can't enlarge those images.  A 1.2 MP camera is still pretty low-res, too.  However, it all depends on your expectations and eventual usage of the images.  They are great playthings, teaching tools, and useful adjuncts, but do not necessarily offer a "magic bullet" for anyone seeking high-quality macro photography.


Mark F. O'Brien, Collection Manager
Insect Division, Museum of Zoology
The University of Michigan
1109 Geddes Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079

From: owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu [mailto:owner-nhcoll-l at lists.yale.edu] On Behalf Of Rachael Perkins Arenstein
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 8:39 PM
To: Listserv-NHCOLL
Subject: [NHCOLL-L:5495] Proscope v. MiScope?

I was planning on purchasing a Proscope http://www.bodelin.com/proscopehr/ and then at the recent AIC annual meeting I saw a demo of the MiScope http://www.zarbeco.com/index.shtml  and was further intrigued by that.  Does anyone have experience with either unit that they would share?  I am looking to use it to capture detail images e.g. insect specimens as well as for other uses where a macro lens on my camera just isn't enough.

Thank you,
Rachael Perkins Arenstein
A.M. Art Conservation, LLC
Art Conservation, Preservation & Collection Management
rachael at AMArtConservation.com<mailto:rachael at AMArtConservation.com>

Rachael Perkins Arenstein
A.M. Art Conservation, LLC
Art Conservation, Preservation & Collection Management
rachael at AMArtConservation.com<mailto:rachael at AMArtConservation.com>

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