[NHCOLL-L:5408] utility of mounted antelope heads

nmccartn nmccartn at uark.edu
Fri May 6 12:39:55 EDT 2011


I need advice about a recent problem: I have 4 mounted heads of  
ouribi, 2 impalas(ae?), sable antelopes which we used to have in the  
discovery room for kids (horns vs. antlers, etc): DR is defunct,  
should I incorporate these specimens into the collection (which has  
lots of stuffed animals used for exhibits in the days when we had  
them) or surplus? Storage is not a problem as they can go on top of  
the shelving units...

I wouldn't have had them to begin with, but a taxidermist donated them....

The ouribi is quite lovely, if you like heads...


Nancy Glover McCartney, PhD
Curator of Zoology
UA Collections Facility
2435 Hatch
Fayetteville, AR 72701


Phone: 479-575-4370
FAX: 479-575-7464

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