[NHCOLL-L:5721] cyanotypes and specimens

Gegick, Patricia, DCA patricia.gegick at state.nm.us
Wed Nov 2 17:34:57 EDT 2011

Hi Listees,
We are planning a future cyanotype exhibit at our Museum.  In keeping with cyanotype's past association with natural history specimens, we are considering using specimens in the cyanotype process.  Our artist has said that in New Mexico's brilliant sun, it would only take about 2 minutes to produce an image.  She is interested in using some large antlers and bones for this process.  I am not so concerned with leaving bones or antlers in the sun for 2 minutes, but I am unsure about the effect of laying these specimens on the treated paper.  The treated paper will be dry at the time the specimens are on it, but the solutions used are ferric ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide.  Does anyone have any experience with cyanotypes and specimens, or does someone with a chemical background know what effect this paper might have on specimens if they are touching it for a short period of time?  Thanks.

Patricia J. Gegick
Bioscience Collections Manager
Department of Collections and Research
New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science
1801 Mountain Road, NW
Albuquerque, NM  87104-1375
Phone:  505.841.2867  Fax: 505.841.2808
email:  patricia.gegick at state.nm.us
"All calculations based on experience elsewhere, fail in New Mexico."  Lew Wallace, New Mexico Territorial Governor 1878-1881

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