[Nhcoll-l] Fwd: FW: Heritage Hotline: Appropriations Update

CAHawks at aol.com CAHawks at aol.com
Wed Jul 18 18:52:41 EDT 2012

Catharine  Hawks
Conservator, NMNH
(h) 703.876.9176
(o) 202.633.0835
mobile  703.200.4370
mobile 202.701.8458

 From: HawksC at si.edu
To: cahawks at aol.com
Sent: 7/18/2012 11:59:18 A.M.  Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: FW: Heritage Hotline: Appropriations  Update

From: Heritage  Preservation 
[mailto:jwiley=heritagepreservation.org at mail329.us2.mcsv.net]  On Behalf Of Heritage Preservation
Sent: Wednesday, July 18,  2012 11:50 AM
To: Hawks, Catharine
Subject: Heritage  Hotline: Appropriations Update

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Heritage  Hotline

An  email update service for  the _Members_ 
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IMLS, NEH &  NEA Appropriations Update

The  Institute of  Museum & Library Services (IMLS)  recommended to 
Congress that the Conservation Project  Support program category, after 22 years, 
be incorporated  into Museums for America. The Senate Labor/HHS/Education  
Appropriations Subcommittee agreed and in its report  stated:

The budget  request proposes to consolidate the Conservation Project  
Support program with the Museums for America program…for the  purpose of 
simplifying and streamlining the grantee  application process and IMLS’ management 
of these programs.  The Committee supports these consolidations.  

According to its third goal from  the 2012 – 2016 strategic plan, IMLS 
supports, “…exemplary  stewardship of museum and library collections and 
promotes  the use of technology to facilitate discovery of knowledge  and cultural 
heritage.” As part of this goal it states,  “IMLS is a leader in 
advocating and supporting a  comprehensive and logical approach to conservation that  
begins with assessment, planning, and prioritization and  addresses 
environmental controls and storage conditions as  well as treatment.” For more, see 
“_Creating a  Nation of Learners: IMLS Strategic Plan 2012 -  2016_ 
4b972&id=58ccecefcc&e=5732b353ec) .”

We anticipate that  the IMLS Grant Program Guidelines will reflect this 
change  and applications for conservation and collections care will  be 
considered under the third goal of IMLS’ strategic plan.  We understand that panels 
for each goal will be convened to  review and make recommendations for  

IMPORTANT:  For planning purposes, please note that the draft IMLS  
Guidelines have a deadline  of January 15, 2013  for applications related to 
conservation and  collections care.  Final IMLS Guidelines will be posted no  
later than October 15, 2012.

Overall, the  Senate Subcommittee recommended the same amount requested by  
IMLS for Fiscal Year 2013. For more information see page 215  of the 
following _report_ 
(http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=9dd724adb9&e=5732b353ec) .  

The House of  Representatives’ Labor/HHS/Education Appropriations  
Subcommittee is expected to markup its recommendation for  IMLS sometime this week.

For  the National  Endowment for the Humanities and the  National  
Endowment for the Arts, the House of  Representatives’ Labor/HHS/Education 
Appropriations  Subcommittee recommended $132 million for FY 2013.This  represents a 
$14 million (or 9.6%) cut from their FY 2012  level of $146 million and is 
$22 million less than the  President's budget request of $154 million. The 
minority  report noted: 

The $132 million  proposed to be provided to each would be below the FY 
2008  funding level. This lack of funding is shortsighted since  the programs 
of the NEA and NEH not only advance the quality  of life in our communities 
but also provide an important  economic boost to numerous towns and cities 
across  America.

The House Subcommittee  markup allocated no funds for Save America’s  

Thank  you for your support!  If you have questions or need  help regarding 
your membership, please contact _Christa  Sundell_ 
(mailto:csundell at heritagepreservation.org) .   
Join  us on _Facebook_ (http://heritagepreservation.us1.list-manage1.co
m/track/click?u=00cbcc194404641e545c4b972&id=4f3e561b66&e=5732b353ec) !



Heritage  Preservation_

1012  14th St. NW, Suite 1200
Washington, DC  20005

(202)  233-0800

Heritage  Preservation is a national non-profit organization dedicated  to 
preserving the cultural heritage of the United States. By  identifying 
risks, developing innovative programs, and  providing broad public access to 
expert advice, Heritage  Preservation assists museums, libraries, archives, 
historic  preservation and other organizations, as well as  individuals, in 
caring for our endangered  heritage. 

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