[Nhcoll-l] Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2012 impacts on scientific research

Jay R. Cordeiro Jay.Cordeiro at umb.edu
Wed Jun 20 09:16:15 EDT 2012

Hello list members, colleagues, and friends


Has anyone heard of the Coral Reef Wildlife International Trade and
Conservation Act of 2012?  Apparently it is a proposal by legislator
Bordallo to re-authorize and amend the Coral Reef Conservation Act of
2000.  I have read through the act and am concerned about a line item
that will likely affect scientific collecting on coral reefs in U.S.
waters.  A complete description of the act, as proposed, can be found
here: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/112/hr738/text. 


The line item in reference is Sec. 206 (Emergency Response Actions), (e)
Liability for Costs and Damages to Coral Reefs, (3) Examptions, (C) the
necessary result of bona fide marine scientific research (including
marine scientific research activities approved by Federal, State, or
local permits), other than--'(i) sampling or collecting


Am I reading too much into this or does this specifically prohibit any
collecting of scientific specimens on U.S. coral reefs?  Note the
amendment also lumps any coral reef within the jurisdiction of the U.S.
or any state as a National Marine Sanctuary regardless of whether it has
formally designated as such.


Looking forward to responses.  If possible, could you all cc me directly
with your responses?  Sometimes listserve messages do not always reach
me.  Also, please pass this around.


Jay Cordeiro

University of Massachusetts


Northeast Natural History & Supply

jay.cordeiro at umb.edu



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