[Nhcoll-l] FW: [CRUST-L:8271] [Fwd: [ECOLOG-L] ISI (Invertebrate Studies Institute) Seeking Volunteers]

Judith Price JPRICE at mus-nature.ca
Fri May 24 14:57:44 EDT 2013

This might be of interest to some folks here.


-----Original Message-----
From: crust-l-request at vims.edu [mailto:crust-l-request at vims.edu] On Behalf Of Judith S. Weis
Sent: May-24-13 11:49 AM
To: crust-l at vims.edu
Subject: [CRUST-L:8271] [Fwd: [ECOLOG-L] ISI (Invertebrate Studies Institute) Seeking Volunteers]

This sounds very insect-focused because those were the folks who got it started. But I've been told they wnat crusty folks and other marine invert folks to get involved.

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [ECOLOG-L] ISI  (Invertebrate Studies Institute) Seeking Volunteers
From:    "Aaron T. Dossey" <bugochem at GMAIL.COM>
Date:    Fri, May 24, 2013 10:21 am

Dear greater Biologist community!

We are currently recruiting volunteers and potential members for our board of directors and advisory board.  In the next week or two we will file paperwork formally establishing the organization as a non-profit in the state of Georgia, USA. You will find a detailed description of the organization toward the bottom of the email.

PLEASE RESPOND TO:  Invertebrate.Studies.Institute at gmail.com

Please take a look at the list of opportunities below. Many can be done remotely.
Send us an email that includes:

  * the specific position or tasks you are interested in
  * a brief description of your related skills and/or experience
  * a few sentences on your interest in invertebrates

_*Board of Directors positions (unpaid)

*Prior board and/or leadership experience is a plus.
Available positions (scroll down to bottom of the email for detailed

  * Vice Chair
  * Treasurer
  * Secretary
  * Member

_*Advisory Board members (unpaid) *_
11 open positions


_*Legal Assistance*_
We need help finding a lawyer to help with the paperwork to establish/incorporate ISI as a 501c3 Pro-Bono in Georgia!  That's an urgent need right now before a lot of this other great stuff can happen!
Fundraising & Promotions*_

  * Identify potential donors and sponsors, think BIG, but small is ok
    too .  For example, large companies, wealthy people and foundations
    with an interest in science/nature/etc.
  * Increase Facebook fan base and Twitter followers. This would entail
    making connections with other organizations/people with a large
    fanbase/following and encouraging them to promote ISI. (For Facebook
    this would be organizations with 100,000 + fans and for Twitter
    1,000+ followers. Bonus points for celebrities!
  * Write press releases
  * Identify invertebrate/science-related events across the country for
    our web site calendar (coming soon!), as well as events we
    can/should attend

Although we have found someone who can build the site for us, we can use help with:

  * web design
  * creating a forum ( either members-only or public) where people can
    collaborate on invert-related projects,  ask questions and get
    answers from the community


  * Attractive photographs of invertebrates, or  an aspect of
    invertebrate biology, with detailed informative/educational captions
  * Videos with similar qualities and educational content described for
    the photos

_*Writing & Research*_

  * educational/Informative write-ups of invertebrates, a group of
    inverts or an invert-related natural phenomenon (ex:  species pages,
    instruction guides, etc.)
  * blog posts about invertebrates
  * curating  and organizing information and links for the "Links" page.
    The links should include, but are not limited to: Facebook Pages,
    Facebook Groups, Twitter Pages, web sites, societies and organizations
  * News Articles

_*Other Suggestions?*_
I there is anything else you recommend we should do/have/create/etc for ISI, please feel free to let us know! :)


The Invertebrate Studies Institute's mission is to promote public awareness and appreciation of invertebrates, science and the natural world.

An institution focused on expanding invertebrate centered education, outreach, research and natural conservation. It will be a place where people learn in depth information about insects, their ecology, their chemistry/biochemistry as well as observe real-time research at the institution. The organization and its research would focus on all invertebrates including insects, spiders, nematodes, etc. We will achieve this vision by: 1) Construct and maintain a uniquely designed a series of live invertebrate displays (insect zoo) and research facility each charged with its own element of our Vision: education, outreach, research and natural conservation; 2) Create an internationally recognized invertebrate-centered research facility which also contributes to our vision to expand invertebrate centered education, outreach and natural conservation; 3) Establish a network of collaborators, partners, facilities, colleagues and other stakeholders for executing our vision of expanding invertebrate centered education, outreach, research and natural conservation.
1) Create and maintain an insect zoo and USDA-APHIS approved laboratories for culturing numerous invertebrate species (insects, arachnids, nematodes, etc.), including exotic species, for use in education, outreach and research activities.
2) Apply for grants targeted for research projects as well as educational and outreach activities. Identify other sources of funding including, private donors and partner organizations.
3)    When applicable the institute will pursue opportunities to
generate revenue from Intellectual Property (including but not limited to patentable materials, copyrighted materials, trademarks, software, and trade secrets) derived from research and educational activities.
3) Recruit passionate and energetic scientists, professionals and enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds who wish to move our mission forward toward our vision.
4) We will host outside scientists and collaborators doing invertebrate-related research who wish to utilize our facilities or research animals either in collaboration, via pay for service, or a pay for facility basis.
5) The institution will community events including a large annual festival and have a presence at other science festivals around the USA.
_Chief Executive_*

  * Run the day-to-day operations
  * Attend all board meetings
  * Call special meetings if necessary
  * Approves all meetings of the board of directors
  * Makes final approval of the budget approved by the board of directors
  * Approves all financial expenditures
  * May process financial expenditures
  * Makes final approval of meeting minutes approved by board

_Chair of the Board_*

  * Oversee board meetings
  * Work in partnership with the chief executive to make sure board
    resolutions are carried out
  * Call special meetings if necessary.
  * Assist the chief executive in preparing the agenda for board meetings
  * Assist the chief executive in conducting new board member orientation
  * Oversee searches for a new chief executive
  * Coordinate the chief executive's annual performance evaluation
  * Work with the board of directors and chief executive to recruit new
    board members
  * Coordinate periodic board assessment with the chief executive
  * Periodically consult with board members on their roles and help them
    assess their performance

_*Vice Chair of the Board*_

  * Attend all board meetings
  * Carry out special assignments as requested by the board chair
  * Understand the responsibilities of the board chair and be able to
    perform these duties in the chair's absence
  * Participate as a vital part of the board leadership
  * Serve as the interim chair of the board if vacated until a new chair
    is elected while continuing to function as vice chair

*_Treasurer of the Board_*

  * Attend all board meetings
  * Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to
    its goals and objectives
  * Understand financial accounting for nonprofit organizations
  * Serve as financial officer of the organization
  * Manage the board's review of and action related to the board's
    financial responsibilities
  * Work with the chief executive to ensure that appropriate financial
    reports are made available to the board on a timely basis, and
    assist the chief executive in preparing the annual budget and
    presenting the budget to the board for approval
  * Review the annual audit and answer board members' questions about
    the audit
  * May process financial expenditures
  * Shall succeed vice chair as interim until a new vice chair is
    elected while continuing to function as treasurer

_*Secretary of the Board*_

  * Attend all board meetings
  * Maintain all board records and ensure their accuracy and safety
  * Review board minutes
  * Provide notice of board meetings when such notice is required
  * Shall succeed treasurer as interim until a new treasurer is elected
    while continuing to function as secretary

_*Board Member*_

  * Attend all board meetings
  * Carry out special assignments as requested by the board chair


  * Attend all board and committee meetings and functions, such as
    special events
  * Be informed about the organization's mission, services, policies,
    and programs
  * Review agenda and supporting materials prior to board and committee
  * Serve on committees and offer to take on special assignments
  * Make a personal financial contribution to the organization
  * Inform others about the organization
  * Suggest possible nominees to the board who can make significant
    contributions to the work of the board and the organization
  * Keep up-to-date on developments in the organization's field
  * Follow conflict-of-interest and confidentiality policies
  * Assist the board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities,
    such as reviewing the organization's annual financial statements

Hope to hear from you soon!
Best Wishes!

ATD of ATB and ISI
Aaron T. Dossey, Ph.D.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Founder/Owner: All Things Bugs
Capitalizing on Low-Crawling Fruit from Insect-Based Innovation http://allthingsbugs.com/about/people/

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