[Nhcoll-l] Show your support for federal scientists and ask Congress to reopen the federal government

Robert Gropp rgropp at aibs.org
Wed Oct 9 13:53:39 EDT 2013

Urge Congress to Fund the Government

- Do you have colleagues in the federal government who are unable to work because they have been furloughed?

- Do you think people should be able to visit the Smithsonian?

- Do you think federal science agencies, such as the National Science Foundation, NIH, NOAA, USDA, and others, should be able to receive, process and award grants?  

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please consider taking a few moments to call your member of Congress and ask that they fund the federal government and raise the debt ceiling.  You can also send a letter to your Representative and Senators by visiting http://capwiz.com/aibs/issues/alert/?alertid=62950966.  From this site, you can confirm who your members of Congress are as well as find contact information.

Robert Gropp

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