[Nhcoll-l] which database software for a natural history museum?

Margraf Nicolas Nicolas.Margraf at ne.ch
Fri Oct 25 07:57:24 EDT 2013

Dear all,
The MHNC is a small natural history museum located in the hearth of the Jura Mountains in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. We would like to migrate our collection database (currently in MS Access) to a new software but we remain unsure of the software to use. As we do not have the financial resources nor the technical staff at hands to develop our own software, we would be interested to know what database software is being used by other natural history museums for their collections, their degree of satisfaction using that software and if they have any advice with that regard.
Thank you very much for your help.
Nicolas Margraf

Nicolas Margraf 
Collaborateur scientifique
Musée d'histoire naturelle de La Chaux-de-Fonds
Av. Léopold-Robert 63 CH 2300 LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS
T + 41 (0)32 967 60 71 F + 41 (0)32 722 07 80
mhnc at ne.ch

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