[Nhcoll-l] White House Memo on Scientific Collections

Ellen Paul ellen.paul at verizon.net
Mon Mar 31 11:18:08 EDT 2014

Another interesting point...

Is there a coming collision between data sharing requirements and the 
Nagoya Protocol? If a researcher is required to make all the data 
publicly accessible...anyone can make unlimited use of it, without even 
bothering to collect specimens, extract DNA, and do the sequencing. As 
more and more complete genomes are sequenced, if that sequencing occurs 
in countries that require data sharing...

It seems that policy is focused on physical specimens whereas Nagoya 
(and in the U.S., the benefits-sharing policy) are premised on the 
intellectual property to be derived from the specimens. Another time lag 
issue, I suppose.


Ellen Paul
Executive Director
The Ornithological Council
Email: ellen.paul at verizon.net
"Providing Scientific Information about Birds"

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