[Nhcoll-l] Call For Proposals for Emerging Professions Session at SPNHC 2015

Kari Panhorst kari.panhorst at smail.astate.edu
Thu Jan 15 14:28:07 EST 2015

The Emerging Professionals Committee will be hosting a special session at
SPNHC 2015 in Gainesville, FL. The session will most likely be on Friday
afternoon and talks will be limited to 10 - 15 minutes. We invite anyone
who “feels emergent” or feels like they are new to the field,
inexperienced, or just that they have more to learn to participate in this
session. The intention here is to provide a non-threatening environment of
peers to give emerging professionals the opportunity to practice public
speaking. We also hope to include those who want to share information that
may specifically benefit emerging professionals. The theme of this session
is the very premise on which the Emerging Professionals Group was built -
we are bringing together those who are inexperienced and/or just starting
out and trying to help each other gain experience, access to resources and
to become successful in museum careers.

Immediately following the session we will have a discussion panel featuring
experts in areas such as interviewing, volunteering, and interning. They
will be there to offer ideas and guidance to emerging professionals and
answer any questions you may have. Even if you do not plan on presenting,
we encourage all emerging professionals to attend this session and panel.
This is a wonderful opportunity to show your support for your fellow EP’s
and learn new things in the process.

If you have any questions please contact Katie McComas at
kamccomas at gmail.com


*Kari M. Harris*

Club Coordinator

Instructor Biological Sciences

College of Sciences and Mathematics

Arkansas State University
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