[Nhcoll-l] Introduction to Museum Security Online Course starts February 2, 2015

Helen Alten helen at collectioncare.org
Mon Jan 19 13:32:37 EST 2015

*Online course: Introduction to Museum Security begins February 2, 2015*

*We still have room for students interested in learning more about 
security in Museums, Libraries and other cultural institutions.In light 
of the recent events in Europe this is an important and timely subject 
for museums.Join instructor Stevan Layne, a leader in the Security 
profession, for an informative course with practical solutions!*


*MS 107: Introduction to Museum Security *

February 2 to 27, 2015

Instructor: Stevan Layne

Location: Online at museumclasses.org <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__museumclasses.org_&d=AwICAw&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=CLFZJ3fvGSmDp7xK1dNZfh6uGV_h-8NVlo3fXNoRNzI&m=5ZGJd4nuRc_y6bb9-gE5DlGCUankCwW_jBBjRYMPwkg&s=hMhseI48n4wE76DxfKoX23C-FGw7lk5hzgihpkhusjw&e= >


World events continually remind us just how important security is. The 
FBI and Interpol databases record thefts from small rural museums and 
world renowned art collections. The prevalence of collections lost to 
theft is brought home to us with regular sensational newspaper stories. 
And then there are the internal thefts, fires, and collection vandalism 
that also result in loss. Security must be a priority for every museum, 
regardless of size. Introduction to Security teaches basic, practical 
approaches to protecting against threats such as theft, vandalism, 
violent acts, natural disasters, fire and environmental hazards. Topics 
include selecting security systems, determining security needs and how 
to build affordable security systems. Screening, hiring, firing, 
workplace violence, policies and procedures and emergency management 
planning are covered as well.

For more information or to sign up: 

Helen Alten
Northern States Conservation Center

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