[Nhcoll-l] Apply for a Scholarship to MCN 2016

MCN Scholarship Coordinator scholarship at mcn.edu
Tue Apr 12 19:34:57 EDT 2016


The Museum Computer Network (mcn.edu) was founded in 1967 with the purpose
of supporting professionals who seek to transform the way their cultural
organizations reach, engage and educate their audiences using digital
technologies. Every year, MCN’s annual conference explores topics of
relevance to museum practitioners working with, or affected by, digital
media and technology. This year, the annual conference in New Orleans will
focus on how museums can use technology to emphasize inclusion,
accessibility, and agency, from a diverse range of perspectives.

MCN is offering scholarships for 15 qualified applicants to attend the
annual conference.

Scholarships include:

-One complimentary conference registration.

-Complimentary attendance at one of the workshops on Tuesday, November 1.

-Complimentary meet-and-greet with other scholarship recipients.

-A $400 (USD) travel and food allowance.

-Complimentary three (3) hotel-nights (Tuesday, November 1, Wednesday,
November 2, and Thursday, November 3) at the conference hotel in New

-Complimentary one (1) year Emerging MCN membership.

Scholarship recipients will also use their skills to assist MCN and add to
the conference experience by capturing important ideas and themes that
develop during sessions and events.

The MCN scholarship program is made possible by the generous support of our

To learn more about the scholarships and to apply visit
<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__s4.goeshow.com_mcn_annual_2016_scholarship-5Fprogram-5Fapplication.cfm&d=AwIFaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=CLFZJ3fvGSmDp7xK1dNZfh6uGV_h-8NVlo3fXNoRNzI&m=X2wXV-26BLz4b3I5YZqLgCh4TaKhe0asHwfJ0zLXVGE&s=783QkEIkw0rz1i0tDukeJS8go52_QrSkbH97C7cjYZs&e= >.
The application deadline is April 30. Please forward to others not on this
listserv who you think might be interested.

Apologies for cross postings.

The MCN Scholarship Committee
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