[Nhcoll-l] Integrated Pest Management

Hess, Benjamin benjamin.hess at naturalsciences.org
Wed Mar 9 09:08:22 EST 2016


The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences (formerly the North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences - NCSM) is creating a new Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan for collections and museum-wide. We have many systems in place within the collections for monitoring and addressing pest issues, and thus, have had very little issues within the collection area. The NCSM has an entomologist point person, who collaborates with collection staff, for the exhibit space open to the public. Also, our education staff that utilizes specimens for their outreach follows a fumigation protocol for anything coming into the museum.

If you do not mind, would you please share any IPM documentation that you may have within the collections or museum? I have received documentation from the Smithsonian and the Natural History Museum of Utah in the past, which will help compile our new NCSM IPM, but I would like to contrast this with other institutions. For anyone willing to share their institution IPM, I am happy to share our findings and final NCSM IPM plan.

Thank you in advance for your assistance and willingness to share your IPM.



Benjamin M. Hess
Collections Manager, Mammalogy
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
11 West Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601-1029
919-707-9944 (phone and fax)
benjamin.hess at naturalsciences.org<mailto:benjamin.hess at ncdenr.gov>
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