[Nhcoll-l] Fw: Question about larval fish preservation

Dirk Neumann dirk.neumann at zsm.mwn.de
Wed Feb 22 03:13:27 EST 2017

Hi all,

I just visited the small Natural History Museum in Postdam (W of 
Berlin); they have a large variety of amazing, full plastinated mounts 
(mostly mammals, up to the size of a otter. This could be an idea, even 
though I have to admit that I have no practical experience how you would 
prepare the larvae.

All the best

Am 21.02.2017 um 18:00 schrieb Sarah K. Huber:
> I received this e-mail from a colleague and wasn't able to help. Does 
> anyone know if it's possible to mount fish larvae on slides?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> We have a few larval specimens that we would like to show under a 
> microscope at an upcoming meeting with a group of electric utilities. 
> My boss wanted me to look into whether we could easily mount a 
> specimen on a glass slide (with a depression) in a way that will allow 
> it to be held in place, viewed through a microscope, and also not dry 
> out. Maybe in glycerine, toluene, or agar? I looked online and was 
> unable to find any information about preserving and displaying larval 
> fish on slides and wanted to check with you to see if you had any 
> suggestions or knew of any procedures. It does not need to be 
> preserved in good condition for too long, at least a couple weeks. 
> Also, being able to do the same thing with eggs would be helpful. Any 
> information or suggestions you can provide would be helpful. Thanks 
> for your time!
> *Nate Jacobson*
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Dirk Neumann

Tel: 089 / 8107-111
Fax: 089 / 8107-300
email: Dirk.Neumann(a)zsm.mwn.de


Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns
Zoologische Staatssammlung München
Dirk Neumann, Sektion Ichthyologie / DNA-Labor
Münchhausenstr. 21
81247 München

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Dirk Neumann

Tel: +49-89-8107-111
Fax: +49-89-8107-300
email: Dirk.Neumann(a)zsm.mwn.de

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Bavarian Natural History Collections
The Bavarian State Collection of Zoology
Dirk Neumann, Section Ichthyology / DNA-Lab
Muenchhausenstr. 21
81247 Munich (Germany)

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