[Nhcoll-l] fatty dolphin

Sergio Montagud Sergio.Montagud at uv.es
Wed Nov 8 09:33:04 EST 2017

Dear all,

We have a very old dolphin (maybe from the last years of the 19th century) with an important fat problem. We don't know the original color of the specimen (live dolphins of this species are blue-grey) but our specimen is now brown. The fat is problematic because the entire specimen is covered by it and it looks greasy and shiny for proper exposure. In addition, the grease falls on some parts of the wood below. 

We don't have this problem in other specimens (maybe, because this is the only cetacean we have) and not know wha we can do. Someone could recommend some action to stop the fat proliferation?

I add some pictures of this special guy.



Sergio Montagud Alario
Universitat de València
e-mail: sergio.montagud at uv.es
Sergio Montagud Alario
Universitat de València
e-mail: sergio.montagud at uv.es

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