[Nhcoll-l] Fwd: Abstract submission "Preservation of natural history wet collections" : D-12 ! (July 1st)

Dirk Neumann dirk.neumann at zsm.mwn.de
Wed Jun 20 07:03:06 EDT 2018

Dear fluid community,

with pleasure I am forwarding the second announcement for the Fluid 
Symposium scheduled for 5-7 Dec at the MNHN in Paris, France.

The main purpose of this symposium is to discuss issues in fluid 
collections and reasons for deterioration we see (and try to avoid), 
which should be the bases to formulate research needs for the 
conservation of fluid collections (is this whitish precipitate blooming 
on my specimens really Cholesterol ?!).

There is no registration fee, participants "only" need to cover own 
travel costs and expenses.

So don't miss this chance and register soon! Would be happy to see you 
in Paris in December. Please feel free to share or forward.



The abstract submission period for the *“Preservation of natural history 
wet collections”* is ending in the evening of *Sunday July 1^st *.

The meeting intend to share collective knowledge and experiences, so 
please feel free to contribute and enrich the discussions !

Information about the conference and a *template* for abstract 
submission can be found on the *conference website *:


All abstracts for oral presentation must be *uploaded via the online 
portal* at :


For further questions, do not hesitate to contact us :

pfc2018 at sciencesconf.org <mailto:pfc2018 at sciencesconf.org>

We are looking forward to read your abstracts and to meet you in Paris 
in December !

Sincerely yours

The meeting organizers

/Sophie Cersoy, Véronique Rouchon, Marc Herbin, Jacques Cuisin, Patrice 
Pruvost, Dirk Neumann et Julian Carter./




/_Today’s statistics_// : 59 registrants from 10 different countries but 
only 5 submissions///

Dr Sophie  CERSOY, associate professor

Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation, CNRS USR 3224
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
36, rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
CP 21 - 75005 Paris - France.

office : 33 (0)1 40 79 53 05
cell phone : 33 (0)6 84 00 08 88
mail: sophie.cersoy at mnhn.fr

Member of the "Origin & Evolutions" Department Council
Nagoya referent

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