[Nhcoll-l] Providing water to dermestids

Neisskenwirth Fabian fabian.neisskenwirth at nmbe.ch
Fri Mar 8 05:49:24 EST 2019

Hey Tonya,

we use Aqua Gel, it’s a granulated material that soaks water, you can find it in any pet-store, its used for feeding all kind of small animals (insects overall). Our spider research Team uses it for their study subjects too.

It holds at least 2-3 weeks moist, its pretty cheap and mixes Fast. You can make big pre-mixed batches and freeze them in little Ziploc PE bags. This work very well to and saves time when feeding the bugs. Put the aqua-gel on a plastic surface or a small plate, so the rest of the terrarium does not get too moist.

Hope this helps you out,

Greetings from Bern
Fabian Neisskenwirth
Naturwissenschaftlicher Präparator

+41 (0)31 350 72 25
Bernastrasse 15, CH – 3005 Bern
Eine Institution der Burgergemeinde Bern<https://www.bgbern.ch/>

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