[Nhcoll-l] Algae in jars - to refill or not to refill

Gali Beiner gali.beiner at mail.huji.ac.il
Wed Jul 29 03:02:14 EDT 2020

Dear All,

We have a group of jars containing algae, apparently collected in the
1970s. Some of the jars still hold a little liquid but most of the solvent
has gone and quite a few jars are now completely dried out.

... In addition, it isn't absolutely certain what the solvent was -
possibly formalin. I've been asked whether it would be OK to refill the
jars with 70% ethanol. Can anyone here give advice relating to algae within
this context?

Thank you,

Gali Beiner (ACR)
Conservator, Palaeontology Lab
National Natural History Collections
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Berman Building, Edmond J. Safra campus, Givat Ram
Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Fax. 972-2-6585785
*gali.beiner at mail.huji.ac.il <gali.beiner at mail.huji.ac.il>*

*https://nnhc.huji.ac.il/?lang=en <https://nnhc.huji.ac.il/?lang=en>*
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