[Nhcoll-l] Any advice/information on design requirements for a large digitisation room with varied equipment

Fisher, Nicole (NCMI, Black Mountain) Nicole.Fisher at csiro.au
Wed Apr 14 23:49:55 EDT 2021

Hello all,

Our CSIRO Collections (of 15 Million specimens) are moving together into a new purpose-built building with us at design stage now. This will see all our digitisation equipment and imaging systems come together in the same room planned for around 220 square meters in size.
We are looking at requirements needed for specialised equipment ie. vibrations and vibration tables, air-flow, power etc.
As well, we are looking at requirements of the room ie. paint colour, window furnishings, lighting, temperature and humidity, acoustic dividers, blockout curtain around flash equipment etc

I'm interested in any information people care to share around this and any insight from anyone who has gone through this process with building/room design. In particular, any resources or reports that point out requirements would be helpful. I'd also grateful accept any photos of digitisation rooms demonstrating what or how your digitisation rooms are set up. Feel free to brag with photos!  : )

Our digitisation equipment includes such items as SEM, whole drawer system (Satscan), our high resolutions imaging systems (BK/Visionary digital and Gigamacro's), Passport movable imaging systems, Slide scanner, UV imaging system, 3D scanner and Lecia imaging microscopes.

Many (many) thanks,

Nicole Fisher
Digitisation Manager
Digital Collections and Informatics
National Research Collections Australia (NRCA)

E nicole.fisher at csiro.au<mailto:nicole.fisher at csiro.au> T +61 2 6246 4261 M +61 (0) 475 972 827
Address : GPO Box 1700, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia

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