[Nhcoll-l] Final Call for Presenters for the Natural History Education DemoCamp!

Phillips,Molly mphillips at flmnh.ufl.edu
Thu Jun 2 11:44:05 EDT 2022

The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections Education Sessional Committee is hosting a virtual Natural History Education DemoCamp
The goal is to share, discover, and discuss educational materials that have a framework in natural history. This is building upon our previous iterations of the 'education share fair' that were hosted at the annual meeting.

Where: Zoom, of course!
When: 22nd and 23rd of June, the amount of time blocks will be dependent on the number of presenters.
Cost: Free!

Presenter registration [https://bit.ly/2022_PresenterReg] is open until June 6th.  and general attendee registration [https://bit.ly/2022_NHEDemoCampReg] will be open up until the event. Please see the website [https://spnhc.org/education-democamp/] for additional details and reach out to us with any questions: educationdemocamp at gmail.com<mailto:educationdemocamp at gmail.com>

Molly Phillips (she/her/hers)
iDigBio Education, Outreach, Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator
Florida Museum of Natural History
University of Florida
mphillips at flmnh.ufl.edu<mailto:mphillips at flmnh.ufl.edu>

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