[Nhcoll-l] Opportunity to publish educational materials

Monfils, Anna Kirsten monfi1ak at cmich.edu
Thu Jun 16 11:31:10 EDT 2022

Hey Biodiversity Folks...consider joining this Faculty Mentoring Group.

Work with BLUE (https://www.biodiversityliteracy.com/) and Ecological Society of America to publish your educational materials that use biodiversity data.

Six meetings to optimize your educational resources and incorporate 4DEE (https://www.esa.org/4DEE/<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.esa.org%2F4DEE%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0RgU5es05H8HZi49LDVDaCdd0ZhS-crPEuQmKOl0vL7e4lQe37cAvuHpA&h=AT1Q1MaOfyta1GJMrCR0IjvFOxM99HBF2RIUpjYV-aqYq7I7MKNQLNzNfz84XnguFvPgVUGCfZluKlCnJj7Tg3C6625ofql9pj0NRlmAnAAvHo114DmbbUX6Viylfx3PceupFhM&__tn__=-UK-R&c%5b0%5d=AT1Tr8F7gyzt1s59taUoPgJuxwLPrJ3yBRVNZoccFAo8_vn4sgPV3chpOLu5Nuh-Dw2UgmqITu3LS3Vlz0gT8J1eDg0z4jVEAmEzle44QFKFns9FB0QmeFqK_W7JmO1RcEg0bRULHOpPJt-2Gp-nxQPFTfinXbZSrbI>).

We ask applicants to have a draft version of an educational module that uses biodiversity data to teach an ecological concept (could be an adaptation or new materials).  Over the six meetings we will work in small teams on the modules to optimize the modules and align learning objectives with the 4DEE Framework.

Participants will receive $1000 stipend and $2200 to travel to the meeting of your choice.

We welcome participation from individuals and teams, graduate students to tenured professors, and educators at all types of higher ed institutions including CCs, TCUs, MSIs, HSIs, HBCUs, PUIs and Research Intensive institutions.

Applications due June 24.

More information is in the link below:

If you have any questions reach out to monfi1ak at cmich.edu<mailto:monfi1ak at cmich.edu>. We hope you will consider joining us!

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