[Nhcoll-l] Animal bone collection and temperatures

Nadja Pöllath poellath at snsb.de
Sat Sep 3 14:16:26 EDT 2022

Dear all,

this is my first post to nhcoll listserve – so please bear with me, if I am
not following the conventions of this list.


I am a curator at a collection housing archaeological animal bones and
modern reference specimens. With the energy crisis, the Bavarian state
ordered that the heating system in the collection shall only be working
before room temperature drops below 0°C. According to the Preventive
Conservation ‘bible’ temperatures in storage rooms generally should not drop
below 15°C. I’d like to hear about the guidelines regarding room temperature
limits in comparable collections.


More critical for archaeological and subfossil bones apparently are low RH
values. As RH and temperatures are dependent variables, it would be good to
know at which RH values damages are induced.


Many thanks,


(Staatssammlung für Paläoanatomie München, Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche
Sammlungen Bayerns)



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